Change management – MyFoxconn
Course code CHANGE_MAN_CE
  • Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Change Management
  • Pardubice
  • Praha
Format Personal presence
Groups E, F, G
Supplier ICG-Capability s.r.o.
Price (excl. VAT) 8 000 Kč
Duration 16 h

Change management

Training prepares participants to systematically manage change as part of any project or transformation within a company or department. During the training, participants will practice change management techniques on a real example. Together we will select a specific realistic topic. Participants will then become change managers and in small groups prepare a change management plan, a communication plan, develop arguments and test situations that can cause resistance to change.

Change management training is enriched with new communication and digital tools. You will learn the OPERA tool and its electronic version APERA, communication using Pecha Kucha techniques. In a separate session, we will discuss tools for virtual workshops and change management in an online environment – we will introduce you to the MIRO virtual whiteboard and introduce you to the Mentimeter, which you can use daily, not just for collecting feedback. We will also show you the possibilities of cultural analysis in the form of ICG’s Culture Canvas tool.

The course ends with a short test and if you complete the practical part of the course (according to the assignment), you can get the international certificate “Change Practitioner”. We will help you with the practical part through online consultations with the trainer. Both the certification and this additional coaching are included in the course fee!

You will learn to
Initiate, identify and implement changes within an organization in a way to get appropriate support during implementation of the change.
Recognize a typical reaction to change, how to prepare for it and how to face the resistance
Apply appropriate tools to provide successful development – workshop, individual and now also digital (virtual) tools.
Prepare a communication plan for both employees and management
Lead a strategic level of Change management in organization
Combine project techniques and change management
Lead a team and facilitate workshops

Target group:
All employees who can use this knowledge in their work.

This learning and development activity is based on approval. If you are interested in it, you must apply via the employee profile (My employee file) in myFox, in the Development section.